Rodgers & Hammerstein's



AUDITIONS FOR CINDERELLA WILL TAKE PLACE AUGUST 7 - 16, 2024.  I'm spreading out audition times over two weeks to aid those on vacations at that time.  If none of the dates work for you, let me know and we can arrange an audition at a prior time.  Check back on this page for updates throughout the summer, and watch for the WLA newsletter updates.

The version we're performing is the Enchanted Edition, which is based on the 1997 television version with Brandy and Whitney Houston.  To give you an idea of how the musical will run, and what the characters are like, take a look at this version. (For those with Disney+, it's on that streaming service.)

We are looking forward to hosting auditions for the fall musical on August 7-16, 2023.  Callbacks will be held on August 15 starting at 6:00 PM if you receive one. (We may also use August 16th for callbacks if someone can't make the 15th.)  Whether you are an incoming freshman or senior drama veteran, please take the following steps to audition for Cinderella:


AUDITION TIME SIGN-UP GENIUS  (Note:  Auditions have been expanded to cover two weeks.  The first week is afternoons, the second week is in the evenings to accomodate for summer work schedules.  If neither works for you, contact Mr. Mildebrandt at

Be prepared to do a cold read of lines from the musical as well.  The director will give you pages for certain characters, and have you read them as dramatically as possible.  Use actions or voice inflections that you think would be impressive and appropriate for the character being read.  If there is a certain character you wish to be considered for, let the director know at auditions for the cold reads of the script.

Follow the links below for audition information:


Click here to listen to the main songs for the musical.



Please be ready to sing the first page of In My Own Little Corner. (Click this link for background accompaniment music.)

In My Own Little Corner Sheet Music


Please be ready to sing the first page of Impossible. (Click link for background music.)

Impossible Sheet Music


Please be ready to sing the first page of Ten Minutes Ago. (Click link for music.)

Ten Minutes Ago Sheet Music